Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Topsy Turvy Planters

Ever since I saw the first ad for the Topsy Turvy, I've wanted to try it. I didn't want to call in and order it, because I'm the type of person who likes to see things before deciding to buy. Walmart has a section for the products advertized on TV, so I thought I'd just wait until they get them, but every time I checked, they didn't have it. So I just went on planting tomatoes in big cat litter containers with a tomato cage. Not very pretty, but at least I had home grown tomatoes. Finally, this year, Dave and I were at the tractor store, restocking our cat food supply, when I saw them. Until then, I had no idea how many different planters this company made. They had topsy turvys for tomatoes, strawberries, herbs, and hummingbird flowers. Since I already have nice herb gardens, and I don't have much luck with strawberries, I got the tomato and flower ones. They also make one for growing herbs and tomatoes together, but I didn't see this one until I'd already bought my planters. The tomato one I have, has a port at the bottom, where you put your tomato plant, then you fill the planter with soil. Flower one has a port at the bottom for one plant, and a divided area on top for three more plants. The idea is for the top plants to cascade down over the planter and mingle with the bottom flowers. I just recently planted this one, so it's not very pretty yet, but hopefully it will be. We planted the tomato in the spring. I'm still not sure how well it will do, but it has started producing fruit. That's a good sign. :)
Oh, I just want to mention one very important thing for anyone who is interested in buying one of these planters. They get very heavy, so make sure you hang them in a sturdy place with a strong hook.

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