Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Remember when I wrote about the front yard rosebush? The one that came with the house? It had just begun to bud, and I thought I remembered these roses to be a dark pinkish red. Well, I was wrong. The buds have opened, revealing a rose that is a true red. I don't know how I have lived in this house for seven years, not knowing what color my rosebush produced. I guess it's because this bush only blooms in the the spring, then it's done. That's not a very long time for them to be seen. I just know that's it. It can't possibly be that I'm that unobservant....could it?


  1. if it was a hybrid rose and you trimmed it back way far another rose may dominate now..or sometimes the content of the soil can change bloom colors...

  2. I'm not sure what type of rose it is. I didn't know differences in soil could change rose color. I knew it applied to hydrangeas, but I didn't know it was that way with roses.

  3. Ok, I think I've figured it out. As the roses are maturing, they're turning into the deep pinkish red color I remember from past years. Now I feel better. :)
