Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, April 2, 2010

Camelea Blooms

I had such great plans for today. My sister is here for a visit, and we, along with our other two sisters, had planned to have an early lunch together before she headed home to Irving. Afterward, I had planned to work in my yard. I had purchased a spectacular hosta from a local nursery, which I wanted to pot up, and I was also looking forward to setting the landscaping bricks on the last area of our side garden.
I had a great visit with my sisters, and lunch was delicious, but my plans for gardening were changed, when I heard the prediction for storms all day. My husband and I were sitting on the screened porch during his lunch break, and I was feeling a little sorry for myself, when he glance out and noticed that our camelea had bloomed. I'm so happy about this, because this is one of the plants from the front planting bed we dismantled earlier. The other camelea didn't make it, and this one looked sickly to me. I just knew it was going to die, too, but this bloom, today, shows me that there is still hope for this little plant.

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