Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Foil Pocket Lunch

Today, I'm fixing lunch. I know that sounds scary, because, Dave normally does the cooking, but he has a appointment, and will be rushed for time, so it's up to me. One of the few lunches I know how to cook is the foil pocket. It's very easy, takes very little prep time, and can be customized to anyone's tastes.

Foil Pocket Lunch

For my foil lunch, I preheated the oven to 375 degrees, and chopped a whole onion. You can use half the onion if you prefer. You also need some potatoes, cut into bite sized pieces. I chose new potatoes, and had to use eight because they were very small...and because we both LOVE potatoes. Take out a sheet of foil for each meal (of course, we need two), and place a handful of chopped onion in the center. Season both sides of a ground beef patty (we use the lean beef, with less fat) and place on top of onions. To season my beef, I used salt, pepper, and adobo seasoning. Top the beef patty, with another handful of onions (optional), and potatoes. Add a little more salt and pepper to potatoes if desired, and wrap your foil around the whole thing. Place in the oven,and cook until the potatoes are tender, which, with our oven, takes 45 minutes to an hour (ours in the oven right now, as I type).

There are many ways to personalize this meal. You can add carrots, celery, or any vegetable you like. Dave likes jalapenos in his. You can also use ground turkey or chicken, which I don't really care for, but someone else might just love it. You may have a seasoning you want to try. The possibilities are endless, you have a nice, non-fast food lunch, and the best part, clean-up is a snap.

1 comment:

  1. I put my foil pocket lunch comment on the Oddball Pet Snuggie..sorry, I guess it has been a senior moment kind of day for me...
