Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Monroe, Indoor Cats, and....Diet Coke?

I just couldn't leave today without sharing this picture. this is Monroe, one of our tame ferals. He sat at the screen door almost the whole time I took pictures. That is Abby looking out at him from the inside, and if you'll notice, sitting on top of the Kitty Condo, is Morty. Also, in the right corner of the top step, is my ever present can of Diet Coke. I've given them up more than once, only to go back to them. I think, deep down, I don't really want to give them up. That's the only explanation I have, because if I really wanted to, there's no reason I shouldn't be able to. I just love them so much, so I guess it's time to stop making excuses, and just say, "I, Jennifer, am a Diet Coke Drinker." Right? Anyway, to ease my guilt over not being able to control this habit, I donate the money from recycling cans to the church. So, see, something good comes out of everything.

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