Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, April 25, 2010

More Potting

Today is a good day. I was so tired this morning, but since I don't want to get back in the habit of missing church, I made myself get up and go. I'm so glad I did. We had some guests, and five of our kids present. They sang loudly and clearly, and even helped with the praise and worship songs, After we dismissed them to class, Bro. David gave a great lesson. It's such a blessing to know that Jesus rose and is walking with us today, the same as he did with his disciples. Amen.
After church, we had a nice lunch at Furr's, and came home, where I spent the afternoon potting up new plants. Of course, I had to take pictures to share with my friends...
First is a picure of my lantana. I have two small white, and a larger pink, which hasn't bloomed yet. When they do, as you well know by now, I'll take a picture to share.
This is my windowbox, herb garden. My old windowbox, was made of wood, and was starting to rot and fall apart. I bought myself this coco basket planter to replace it. The lemon thyme and garlic chives were transplanted from the old box, and It was quite a chore because they had rooted into the wood, and had to be ripped out. I hope they survive the ordeal. The boxwood and bouquet basil were purchased new this year.
Next, we have a pot of annual pentas. I planted some pink and purple ones last year, and the hummingbirds were all over them. It was so much fun to watch them, I just had to get some for this year. I found some red ones at one of the local nurseries. I've never seen red pentas, and I can hardly wait for them to bloom.
Next, I have a mixed pot, containing red salvia, pink butterfly flower, and bicolor sage (the blue). I picked these three plants, because they all have the same light and water requirements, and they looked so pretty together. I'm not an expert on creating mixed potted gardens, so I'm hoping these will be ok. I would be so sad if one of the plants decided to hog the pot, and choke the others out. I guess only time will tell.


  1. I miss my plants..oh yes, I would have to go outside if I started gardening again and I don't think that is going to happen as long as I live here...LOVE your yard and plants. Keep up the good work.

  2. I'm sorry you're not able to enjoy the outdoors right now. This has been such a nice long spring so far. Normally it's too hot by now.
    I know how you feel, because a few years ago, three rent houses on our street filled up with loud, obnoxious people. They all hated eachother, so they'd yell, and sometimes try to turn their music up over the others'. And they always choses to do these things in the front yard. It was terrible. I didn't do much potting that year. Of course they've all moved away, thankfully, but the experience made me leary of anyone I see moving in. So far nobody else has been that horrible.
