Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, April 29, 2010


This day has been so strange. Dave bought the game 'Collapse' for Kloe to play when she visits. Since it's one of my favorite computer games, I decided to create myself a character so I can play, too. The idea was to play it every now and then, when I have a little time to kill. Well, it hasn't quite turned out that way. I'm completely addicted.
I put in a load of laundry, then played some Collapse. I folded the clothes, put in another load, then played some Collapse. I started feeling a little guilty, so I got up and vacuumed the cat hair off the porch furniture and mats...then I played some more Collapse. I began to feel guilty again, so I ironed Dave's shirts, folded the sheets out of the dryer, put the towels over into the guessed it...sat down to play some more Collapse. When Dave got home from work, I decided to work outside for a while, so he drilled some holes in the bottom the new pots I bought this week, and I did some repotting.
It's so funny, because even though I don't feel like I've been that busy, I must have been, because I managed to get a lot accomplished. Right now, I'm sitting at my computer, I just got out of the shower, and I'm waiting for CSI and The Mentalist to come on. Hmm, I think I'll play some Collapse.

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