Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Buds And Blooms

I just love this time of year. It seems like new growth and color happens everyday. I took some photos to share with my readers. These are first blooms on three different rosebushes. You'll also notice that all of them are filled with buds. It's just so exciting!
This bud is from the bush in the front yard that came with the house. It's flowers are a dark pinkish red, and will open once per year. I prefer roses that bloom all season, but when my neighbor told me how the previous owner planted and babied this rose, it made me love it as much as my repeat bloomers, and look forward to it's burst of color every year.
This 'honey perfume' is the first rosebush I bought for the house. I potted it and put it at the side of the house, where it happily produces sweet smelling yellow roses from spring to fall.
This rosebush is part of my potted rose garden in front of the shed. It's blooms start out a deep pink, and fade to a lighter shade as they mature. Since it's a climber, I'll clip the limbs to the trellis as it grows. If you click the picture to enlarge it, you'll see an abundance of buds ready to open, making this plant smell heavenly.
So that is a look at my rosebushes. I hope you enjoyed them as much as I enjoy sharing them.


  1. Mom loved roses so much. Dad always planted some for her everywhere we lived. I still have the rose Dad gave me as a house warming gift when I moved into this house.

  2. She sure did. Maybe that's where I got it.
