Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Shasta Daisy Saga

Today, I decided to finish setting the landscaping bricks in the last area of the side garden. This particular area contains shasta daisies, and I'm so pleased to say they are doing very well.
It was about two or three years ago when I got them, and planted them in a beautiful oval shaped barrel planter, not realizing at the time how fast they would grow and spread. They quickly ran out of room in the planter, and by the next year, they needed a home in the ground. I dug out this area especially for them, but I ran into another problem. I hadn't lined the wooden planter, and the daisies had rooted into the bottom and sides of it. I had to literally rip them out. By the time I'd finished, I had several shasta daisy portions and a broken barrel planter on the ground. Of course, the planter was unsalvagable, and I wasn't sure about the daisies, but some of them had roots, so I planted them, and hoped for the best. At first, they began to wilt, and I was sure they were going to die, but a good watering perked them back up.
I'm happy to say they not only survived the ordeal, but they continue thrive. When most of my garden dies away in the fall, this section stays green. Soon this little daisy bed will come alive with the familiar white blooms we've all come to know and love. And now they have a bricked off area all to themselves.

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