Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, April 5, 2010

Cleaning Day

Today, I'm sorry to say, I woke feeling a little discouraged. I had stayed up last night, into the wee hours of the morning, and as a result, I slept until almost noon. Since I'm a housewife, I don't guess it really hurt anything, but I was disappointed. I had my days and nights mixed up throughout the whole winter season, but lately, with the coming of spring, and my love for gardening, I'd finally begun to straighten them out. Dave and I were getting to spend his lunch hours together again the way we used to, and I was getting more done around the house. I just have been feeling so much better, that I don't want to go back to sleeping my days away.

After Dave left to go back to work, I sat and brooded for a while, but that was getting me nowhere. I decided it was time to get myself up and do something. I put some music on and begun cleaning my house. I vacuumed the carpets then moved onto the chairs and couch, which were covered with cat hair. I dusted, then moved into the kitchen, where I swept the floors, cleaned off the counters and stove, and emptied the dishwasher. I had just put in a load of laundry, when I looked up, and realized how pretty and clean everything looked. My spirits were automatically lifted, because nothing feels better than a job well done. This has been a good day after all.

Now, off to sweep the screened in porch, while I'm still in the mood to clean....


  1. That porch better be clean woman. (HA HA)

  2. I am loving reading your inspire me. Perry and I finally put up the Christmas decorations.

  3. Thanks. We took down the Christmas tree that night after we opened gifts. I was tired of fighting the cats off of it. I guess the cats motivate me more than I thought.
