Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, April 2, 2010

Friday Evening Fun

When I posted earlier today, I was feeling disappointed at not getting to garden, but this turned out to be a fun day after all. When Dave got home, we went over to the radio station. My sister had an old cassette that our mother sang on, and she had asked him to put it on a CD. When that was finished, neither one of us was particularly ready to get home, so we decided to do a littls shopping.
We went over to Tuesday Morning, where I found some new garden gloves, and a kneeling mat in the shape of a leaf. It's really cute, and the gloves are so lightweight, I hardly know I have them on.
I also found some hand dyed, sportweight sock yarn. I'm really excited about this buy, because this particular yarn is supposed to cost $15 per hank, but we only paid $7.49. I love getting great sales on good products. :)

Next, we went over to Sears, to look at this refrigerator we've been eyeballing, to see if the stimulus for appliances would apply. They weren't sure, but gave Dave all the information he needs to find out. While he was talking to the sales rep, I found an MP3 player on sale for $14.99. It's not a particularly fancy one, but it holds 2 GB, which is plenty of space for me. I had been using my CD walkman to listen to music while I do yard work. This is lighter, and I think it will be much easier for me, as I wont have to carry it around the yard. Dave has already put some of my Monkees music on it, and I'm very excited about it. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and beautiful.

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