Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I'm So Goofy

In an effort to save money, Dave and I have opted to bundle our internet, cable, and phone. The man from the cable company came today to fix us up. My computer desk is a corner cabinet with doors. We bought it at an unfinished wood furniture store before we got married. It was an amazing deal, because it was already stained and finished, but didn't cost anymore than the other pieces. After sanding, staining, and finishing the bedroom furniture we'd bought, I was extremely happy that this piece was already done.
I love this piece of furniture where we have it, but the closest cable hookup is in the next room. We had a cord coming from behind the TV, going around the corner, and to the back of the desk. It's very discreet, so we've just left things be. Today, since the cable guy was coming anyway, we decided to have them put a hookup behind the desk. He moved it out from the wall, drilled little holes for the phone and cable cords, then went outside to begin his work. Since it's huge, and heavy to move, I don't get the opportunity to vacuum behind the desk very often, and I decided to do that. I was in the middle of my task, when this cord started feeding through one of the holes. It was pretty creepy looking. I'm happy to say that I realized what it was before screaming, and making a complete fool of myself, but I still feel a little goofy for letting it startle me. :)


  1. I pray your cable guy is better than the one who fixed ours up..I think I knew more about the internet than him and I know almost nothing. The commercials on tv about the Time Warner guy answering all your questions and not leaving until you feel secure working everything is a myth...Mine has gone down 2 times ..first time was about 15 minutes..the last time was all day but they fixed my on-demand feature that had been out since the middle of december so I'm not fussing. I love the quick, quick download time....dial up cannot compare to this..hope you enjoy..

  2. So far, so good. I guess it helped that we already had the suddenlink cable and internet, and all we were adding was the phone service. We've always been pleased with our suddenlink services, and I'm hopeful that will extend to the phone as well. I know it's going to cost quite a bit less.
