Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, April 11, 2010

New Azaleas!

Since the day we dismantled the big planting area to make it smaller, I've been keeping an eye out for the perfect shrub. It has to be a shade lover, evergreen, and hardy enough to survive, despite mistakes and possible neglect on my part. Today, we found that shrub...
Dave's granddaughter, Kloe, went to church with us today. Normally, we take her out to eat, and she stays with us until evening, but today, she had planned a fun, fishing trip with a neighbor. We took her home after lunch, and having the majority of the day ahead of us, we decided to take a road trip to Sherman, so we could check out Lowes' garden section. I was actually looking for annuals, but I decided to check out the shrubs while there. I'm so glad I did, because I found some very nice azaleas. According to the card, not only are they repeat bloomers, but they also attract hummingbirds and butterflies. I LOVE hummingbirds and butterflies!
We got them home, and planted them right away, and I couldn't be more pleased with the results.


  1. Paris has a lot of beautiful azaleas..they seem to grow & thrieve real good there. I can't wait to see tham all bloomed out.

  2. That's what I was thinking. My pink azaleas seem happy, so maybe these will be, too.
