Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, April 25, 2010


I'm so tired today. Dave and went to Dallas yesterday to see my brother-in-law. He's been in the hospital at Medical City for about six weeks or so. He had flatlined, and the doctors here didn't hold much hope for him, but God has other plans. They stablized him and sent him to Dallas, where he has made vast improvments. He's getting his strength back, and will start physical therapy soon. He still has a long way to go, but I've no doubt he'll do well. God has already brought him back to life, and we continue to pray for a complete recovery.
"...The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings..." Malachi 4:2

After our visit, we went over to Tyler. The radio stations had gotten tickets to see Glen Beck at The Oil Palace, and Dave had been wanting to go. I wasn't as excited about it as he was, not because I don't like Glen Beck (because I do), but because being reminded of the way our country is headed makes me nervous. I was afraid I'd come home, scared out of my mind, but I was pleasantly surprised. There is no denying the attacks to our very way of life, but we have to put our trust in God, and pray for the future of our country.


  1. Dave said he is. I didn't know. Listening to him speak, you can tell he firmly believes in God.

  2. Bill Black, the owner of Belco Electric was Mormon and he was one of the most moral, God fearing people I have ever met.

  3. I remember that name, but I don't remember him very well. That explains why people seemed to like him.
