Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Oddball Pet Snuggles

The Pet Snuggle Project is a charity, that encourages knitters and crocheters across the country to provide a touch of comfort, in the form of little blankets, to shelter animals as they await adoption. Members of Ravelry and have formed a group for this very purpose, called Oddball Pet Snuggles (you'll find a link to their blog in my sidebar). There are five group members per snuggle, each one knitting five inches before passing it on to the next. The last knitter donates the snuggle to her (or his) chosen shelter, and either begins a new one, or sends the needles back to our group leader. Since our local shelter isn't part of the program, my snuggles go to the Little Orphaned Angels Animal Rescue in Keller, Texas.
To make it easier to keep up with the blankets, we name them. This particular one is called "Bird Brain." At the time I signed up for it, I didn't know it was knitted using novelty yarns, so when I recieved it, I was a little concerned. The only novelty yarn I had in the house was some Fun Fur originally purchased to make Kloe a boa. I worried because the color is much more subdued than the other yarns used, but it was all I had. So I used it (Kloe considers herself too grown for a boa anyway). I'm happy to say that it worked out fine, and now Bird Brain is ready for the next knitter.


  1. I love foil burgers..we have made them in our family forever, haven't we Bitsi...I like to add bell pepper, mushrooms,squash, zuchinni, any veg in the fridge. Perry has also made them with wedges of cabbage added, too. Does Dave ever do them on the grill? For meat we usually use ground turkey, chicken tenders, or Italian sausage. Yum! I want a foil burger...

  2. They were very good today. Dave's never made them on the grill, but thanks for the idea, as well as the cabbage wedge idea. That sounds yummy.
