Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Truly Amazing

I have to say, I've never seen anything like this lantana. I had read that lantana attracts hummingbirds, so I shopped around for some. We were at Lowes in Sherman, when I finally found something besides yellow. It's not that I don't like yellow lantana, it's just that you see it everywhere, and I wanted something a little different. The plant I found hadn't bloomed yet, but according to the label it was pink. It was also the only one left, so I got it. It was several weeks, before I potted it, and by that time I was seeing different colored lantana in several stores, and had even bought some white to go in the same pot as my pink. By the time I got a free Sunday, and potted up my lantanas, I was starting to see little pink buds. I was so excited, anticipating how beautiful my pink and white flowers were going to look together. When the buds opened, I was surprized to see yellow flowers. Hmmm? The label said "pink" and the buds were pink, so why, I wondered, are the blooms yellow? It made no sense to me until the next day. I was watering my pots, when I noticed the older flowers had turned pink. So these start out yellow, and turn pink as they mature. How cool is that? Now, when my white lantana reblooms, this little pot is going to be even more colorful than I'd anticipated!

1 comment:

  1. Norma and I used to make bridal bouquets for our dolls with those flowers..Mom thought they got our clothes stinky...
