Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Interweave Knits

I'm so excited! My order from Interweave knits came today. I started knitting probably in the fall of 2005. Hobby Lobby was having a big sale on all knitting books, so I decided to give it a try. It's not an expensive hobby to start, because all you need is a ball of yarn and a pair of needles. How expensive the your new craft becomes is completely up to you. Mine has become an addiction, so maybe I'm not the best one to give advice, but if you'd like learn knitting, a great place to start is the video tutorials at
After, I'd been knitting a while, I subscribed to three magazines, one of which is Interweave knits. I just fell in love with the beauty of the magazine, and how it is layed out. Each pattern is so well written that even a new knitter can figure out how to make them. At first, I bought each issue from the store, but when I realized I'd been buying them all, I decided to subscribe, and in fact, this is the only one I still get. I was browsing the online store, when I found CD's of the magazine. Each CD, holds four issues, which is a full years worth. I started subscribing in 2007, so I got 2005 and 2006. I just love them. When I want to make a pattern, all I have to do is print it out, and I can make notes right on the page. No more sticky notes to keep my place. I love them so much that, when I got my newsletter from Knitting Daily, advertizing a three day sale, I ordered 2002, 2003, and 2004, completing my set. They came today!!


  1. You are so talented. Mother would be so proud of your craft i ness.

  2. I hope so. I'd make her a cute pair of socks for Mother's Day if she were still with us.
