Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, May 28, 2010

Summer Time

I don't know if it's technically Summer by the calendar, but I do know one thing. It's hot! Yesterday, knowing we're not going to be sitting outside to eat lunch anymore the way we did during the spring, I vacuumed the cat hair off the porch chair cushions, and placed the covers on them. It's almost sad to see it that way, but I can rejoice in the fact that come fall, we'll be sitting out there again. In fact, if it isn't too cool (and it's usually not) we love to serve Thanksgiving dinner out there. The family seems to really enjoy that. So, even though, it's the end of a season, I can sit back in my cool, air conditioned house, work on my knitting, and look forward to another one.


  1. Would it help if you put a fan out there? At night and very early morning it might help? They have fans that are completely safe for pets and small children.

  2. We have two ceiling fans, which help extend the length of days we can be out there, but eventually it gets to a point where it's just so hot all you're doing is stirring hot air around.

  3. I stir enough hot air around all by myself.
