Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, May 14, 2010

Thanks, Glenda!

As promised, here is a picture of the beautiful hosta I bought yesterday. Last weekend, my sister gave me some money to cut her hair. I'm always happy to do it for free, but she insisted that I take it. She told me I could use it to buy a rosebush or something. Well, Glenda, I didn't find a rosebush, but I did use the money to buy this beautiful, crinkle-leafed hosta. Thank you so much! Now if I could just find a pot....


  1. you are welcome..i love my new do...

  2. I'm so glad. I hope you know that it's not necessary to pay me.

  3. I could never afford to pay you what it is worth to me.
