Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Spider Plant Issues

One of my favorite plants to grow is spider plant. I have a solid Hawaiian, a plain solid, a curly leaf, and two variegated spider plants. They are a great plant for beginners, because they tolerate a wide variety of light and water requirements, making them nearly impossible to kill. Well, I'm sorry to say I may have succeeded with one of my variegated plants. It had been so long since I repotted my spider plants, and I thought it was about time. Sunday, I took this one to the back yard to perform my task. I didn't want to go up a pot size, so I decided to divide it into two. Everything was going well. I filled the bottom of my smaller pot with fresh soil, popped the plant out of the old pot, and proceeded to divide it, when it fell apart. Oh, no! So there I was with several pieces of spider plant lying on my back walkway. I potted up three, then put the other two clumps into little plastic plug pots. I gave them a good water, and now it's up to them. I really want them to survive, because this was my first spider plant. I found it at a local nursury just cast aside and forgotten. I bought it and took it home, repotted it, picked off the yellowed leaves, and the difference was amazing. I was so proud of that plant, and now it sits on my plant table in three parts, fighting for survival. I hope with all my heart it makes it.
Needless to say, I will not be dividing my other spider plants. They will strictly get a repotting...if they even get that.

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