Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I had been told by several gardeners, including my dad, that penta draw hummingbirds. I wanted to try them, but at the time I was only gardening in the front yard, where there was too much shade. Finally, last year, I decided to pot some up, and for the backyard. I was so happy I did, because the hummingbirds were all over them, and I could enjoy the activity from my back porch. Sadly, these plants are annuals, so they died away in the fall. Dad's were planted in the ground, so his always reseeded and came back each year, but being in pots mine didn't. I watched the nursuries and garden sections like a hawk, hoping to catch the newest, freshest plants available. I finally found some at a local nursery. They hadn't yet bloomed, but according the the label, they were red. I'd never seen red ones, and was looking forward to the day they bloomed. That day has come, and I'm not disappointed. They're just beautiful, and the color, red, is said to attract hummingbirds. Later, I returned to the nursury just to look around, and I found pentas in just about every color imaginable. I couldn't resist grabbing some more in purple, pink, and white. I planted them all together, and I can hardly wait until they grow, and fill this pot with color. It's going to be so much fun to watch.

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