Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, May 13, 2010

On A More Positive Note....

My coral bells are blooming. Coral bells produce tiny, bell-shaped flowers on tall flower scapes. Dave doesn't think they're very pretty. He thinks they look out of place, and not part of the plant, but I like them. Like Hostas, people normally grow them for their foliage. Most varieties prefer shade, and come in a wide range of colors. I've forgotten the varieties of my older ones (I really need to start keeping labels), but one is deep purple, which hasn't yet bloomed, and one is dark bluish with a silvery sheen, which has produced white blooms. My new snow angel coral bells, which are green speckle with white, have grown pink blooms. No, the flowers may not be very spectacular, nor do they add a dramatic effect to the garden, but I think they're very cute.


  1. Thanks. I especially like the pink ones.

  2. Norma, did ya'll make it home?

  3. Yes, sorry I am not spending much time at home or on the computer...but yea we are home
