Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Gardening Changes

I'm feeling so good right now. It's the feeling of accomplishment I always get at the end of a day's work in the yard. Dave and I had been discussing what to do about the planting area at the side of the house. This is the area where the rain runs off the roof in massive amounts, making it difficult for most plants to survive. Our solution has been to arrange three stepping stones in an attactive manner toward the front, potted plants toward the back, and fill the rest of the area with mulch. It's very pretty, but each spring, we have to relevel the ground, where the water has pooled and left indentions in some areas, and mounds in others. This task wouldn't be so bad if the results lasted longer, but the rains come and our efforts seem futile. This year, with my renewed interest in gardening, I've been trying to find a more permanent solution without bankrupting ourselves to install gutters. During one of our afternoon walks, I pointed out to Dave, this beautiful, dark green ground cover I'd noticed being used in many gardens in our neighborhood. He told me it was a type of jasmine, he'd used before. When I suggested using it at the side of the house, he thought it was a good idea. Apparantly, it's easy to grow, covers well, and is hardy enough to endure the often soggy conditions in that area. So we went to Home Depot yesterday, and bought a flat and a half of what we discovered is called asiatic jasmine. If that wasn't enough, Dave bought me a purple Deja Vu hydrangea! Today, I releveled the area (I say relevel, because I'd already leveled it this year *sigh*), placed my potted mixed salvia, and the azalea back toward the house, and planted the hydrangea in the back corner. The stack of stepping stones is reserving a spot for another potted plant. Then we planted our jasmine. I just love it so much, and I'm going to cry if the rain washes it away. I've included a close up picture of my new hydrangea. The reason I chose to plant it in the ground is because the one I already have has done so well. Before I leveled the ground, I chose a point uneffected by the rain to plant my new treasure. I can hardly wait to see it fill this corner with beautiful purple flowers. each year.


  1. you garden so beautifully. If only I had your talent and youth.....

  2. I want you to know how much I enjoy all your garening updates. I check often to see if you have a new one and reread the old ones. I want to make it into a book so I can read it and look at all the pictures.

  3. Aw, thanks, sisters. I have written in the last couple of days. I've been sleeping late, and I seem to be having trouble consentrating.
