Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Kloe And The Herbs

I have the funniest little story to tell. My husband's granddaughter, Kloe, has started spending a little more time with us. On Sundays, we take her to church, then lunch, then back to our house for a few hours. On this particular Sunday, it was nice enough for us to be outside. She was going back and forth between helping me fill pots with soil, and playing with her jump rope. I don't remember how the subject came up, but she started asking me about several of my plants. I was trying to introduce her to the scents of my herbs by crushing leaves and letting her smell them. I love the earthy smell of fresh herbs, but I guess children don't much care for earthy. The rosmary was too strong, the chives smelled like onions, and I don't know what she found wrong with the thyme, because it's one of my favorites. I was going for the basil when it dawned on me that I have chocolate mint. I pinched off a sprig and crushed it for her. Finally, we had a winner. She liked the smell, and seemed to find it intersting that a plant could smell like chocolate mint. I told her it also tastes as good as it smells. At first, she acted like she didn't believe me, and in fact, wouldn't try it until Dave (Big Daddy) ate some. She said she liked it, but she spit it out anyway. I guess it's hard for an eight year old to get past the fact that it's a leaf. It may taste yummy, but it's still a leaf.

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