Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I started this afghan at the beginning of last month. I had crocheted this pattern for my Mom's Christmas gift back in 2002, and she loved it. I'm not sure why, but I love looking through my knitting and crochet pattern books. Even if I'm not planning to start a project, looking through my patterns just relaxes me, and makes me happy. On one of my most recent pattern searches, I found the booklet, containing this pattern. I recalled how much fun I had crocheting it, and how much Mom loved the finished afghan, and decided to crochet one for myself. I used some variegated yarn I'd purchased from the church's garages sale, paired it with some cream yarn I had in my stash, and was ready to go. I had been doing so much knitting lately, that crocheting was such a nice change. My mother taught me to crochet when I was a teen, and I guess I missed it, because I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I finished the crocheted part on Friday of last week, but didn't add the fringe until the wee hours of last night. It is now hanging on a quilt rack, decorating the walls of my TV room. I just love it!


  1. Mom would have loved this so much. She would also be so proud of the comfort you find in creating. To me that was a special talent mom had ... to create such beautiful things for people..each stitch sewn with love and prayers. I am so glad she passed that on to you!

  2. Aw, thanks Norma. You got her creative gene, too. What about all those quilts?
