Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Roses In Bloom

I love my roses, and every year at this time, I'm reminded of why. If I didn't have all the shade, I'd grow them all over my yard so no matter where I am I could smell them. Of course, if I didn't have all the shade, it wouldn't be as pleasant to work outside, and I probably wouldn't be outside as much to enjoy them. So I'm very thankful for the shade. This first picture is my red climbing rose (the one that came with the house) in the front yard. As you can see, it's beautiful when in full bloom. I so wish that it bloomed repeatedly. The second picture is my yellow Honey Perfume rose at the side of the house. I'm thinking of moving it to the potted rose garden in front of the shed. I used to have a yellow bush back there, but it died leaving me with three pinks and a red. Switching this one with one of the pink ones would make that area more colorful. I guess I hesitate because I'm so used to it where it is, and I'm not good at change. Also, my azaleas are pink, so it just seems I'd be just trading one pink area for another. I'll have to think about it some more.

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