Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Halted By Fear

Well, I have these lovely plants, needing a nice potted home, and no potting soil. I ran out Monday, and haven't gone to the store for more. It's partly because I've been expecting it to rain, which it has only done at night, and partly because of my driving phobia. I have a few places I can go (church, the library, Kroger) with minimal fear, because I can get to them using back roads, and not worry about the traffic on the main drags. These places I consider to be my turf. To drive anywhere outside my turf, I have to spend a considerable amount of time mustering all my courage. Sometimes I can do it, but other times, no matter how much I try to condition myself, I cannot talk myself into driving. It really makes me angry, because I consider myself to be a pretty intelligent, reasonable person, but all reason leaves me when I think about driving outside my comfort zone. Maybe I can talk Dave into taking me this weekend. Man, this is annoying. :(


  1. Bitsi, being someone who has some of the same fears ..I understand. Just keep trying to step outside your comfort zone but don't stress if you can't. It is my experience that most people have some kind of phobia.. but ours, to them is worse than theirs? I've been admonished all my life for not doing certain things easily...usually by people that are not bothered by the same things as me.

  2. It's true. I'm not one bit afraid of opening my windows, but some people are horrified at the thought of strangers seeing into thier homes. Nobody is completely without fear. Driving is something most people associate with freedom, so most people can't understand someone NOT loving to drive. I did look online, and driving phobia is more common than I once thought.
