Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Enabling Ravelers

It all started with a little poll I posted to the forums at Ravelry. I've been knitting Ballband dishcloths in an attempt to use up my bits and pieces of cotton yarn. This pattern is easy, attractive, and a great way to try various color combinations. I'm not sure the exact year, but I went to a baby shower for my cousin's stepdaughter-in-law. She had decorated her son's room with brown and blue, so these were the colors they used for the shower. I had never seen those brown and blue used together, and I really liked it. As I was looking through my yarn remnants, I found scraps of these two colors. Remembering how much I liked the combo, I decided to use them for one of my cloths.
I got a few rows into it, and started to feel a little nervous. I sort of liked it, but wasn't sure about it, so I posted a picture to Ravelry, and polled the members. The majority liked the look, but a couple said they might like it better if the colors were reversed. Of course, I'm using bits and pieces, and didn't have enough brown for another cloth, but the idea was planted, and wouldn't go away. I went to Hobby Lobby, just intending to buy another skein of brown, only to discover that Lily cotton yarn was on sale this week. Not only that, but they had lots of new colors I'd never seen in this brand, and we had just gotten paid (Dave and I always give ourselves some spending money, then deposit the rest). This meant that I could buy some new cotton yarn, without dipping into the household money. Guilt-free yarn shopping is a yarn lover's dream, so I stocked up. Only one problem...when I started this dishcloth knitting frenzy, my goal was to use up my remnants, but now I want to use my new yarn, thus adding to my remnants bag. *sigh*


  1. Poor Bits, so much yarn, so little time..more yarn...more fun!

  2. Yep! It's a burdon I must bear.
