Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, May 10, 2010

Another Potted Garden

I learned the hard way, that I'm not good at keeping a garden when it's planted in the ground. I'm pretty lazy about weeding and I have a hard time with watering. I Know you're supposed to water in the morning, but I'm a night owl, and don't get up very early. I also have trouble determining when a plant has been watered enough. I've always heard that over watering is the worst, so I tend to stop too soon. As a result, I've lost all, except for the already established, and the most drought tolerant plants. Then I discovered container gardening. I didn't know that just about anything you can plant, can also be potted. Of course there are some exceptions, but not many. Flowers, shrubs, even some smaller trees, all can be potted. This has made it so much easier for me. Potted plants can be moved and rearraged, even repotted, at anytime. If I put a plant somewhere, later to discover that it needs more light, I can just move it. Even if I just want a new look, I can move them. Watering is a breeze, because all I do fill each pot until water is running out of the bottom. Now I have to admit that at first I wasn't sure how I felt about the look of so many pots sitting around my yard, but I've grown to love, even prefer it this way. In an earlier post, I showed a picture of my potted flowers by the shed, and now I'm sharing this picture of my potted garden by the back porch. These are mostly foliage plants because of the shade there, but I have a few blooms. Starting front to back, we have spider plant, and vinca on the table. On the patio are snow angel coral bells, my assorted mint garden, with variegated lemon thyme in front of it, followed by another snow angel coral bells plant, then chives. On the ground is my big hosta, a deep purple coral bells (I forgot the variety), my great expectations hosta followed by my plain hosta. The second picture is a close up of my patio plants, the two snow angel coral bells, the mint garden, and lemon thyme. I thought I'd include this photo, because all these plants are new to my yard.

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