Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, May 17, 2010

Quick Cleaning

Long ago, I read a magazine article, which gave some quick cleaning tips. I don't remember the magazine, or what year, but I've never forgotten the article, and still use many of the tips today. I find them very helpful, and I thought I'd pass them on.
Lets say, you found out that a friend or relative wants to come over for a visit. Of course, you want to see that person, but you don't have much time to tidy up. No need to worry, because a thorough cleanup is not necessary to make your house look nice for company...

1) In the livingroom, vacuum the living area (no need to move furniture), dust the eye-level surfaces, and if you have magazines, stack or arrange them neatly. If you have pets, run a lint tape over the chairs and couch.
2) Light a candle (only if your expected guest has no allergies).
3) In the bathroom, clean the faucets, dust the back of the toilet and the lavoratory, and close the shower door (or curtain). Hang a fresh hand towel.
4) You're not likely to take you're guest to the kitchen, but if you do, make sure the counters and top of the stove are wiped down, and the faucet has been cleaned.

You'd be amazed at how nice your house will look just following these few steps. If your guest is on the way, and you don't have time for all of them, I recommend putting vacuuming first. A vacuumed carpet makes a house look and smell much cleaner than it is. Next make sure the bathroom is presentable, and you should do just fine. Just remember one thing, and this is the most important tip of all...Never apologize for your house no matter what. You're friend is coming to see you, not inspect your house. In fact, most people don't even notice the things that bother you, so why bring it to thier attention?


  1. Ah-ha, So Now I see what goes on just before I get home each day. (Just kidding) (Or maybe not)

  2. Actually, it is how I keep the house looking nice between cleanings. So you're not completely wrong. Dear Hubby...

  3. Great advice. I think lots of time we are too worried about our homes to enjoy the guests. I saw a sign in a craft store that read... "If you are coming to see me, you are welcome anytime. If you want to see my house, please give me at least 2 weeks notice" Also, the best advice of all..pick up as you go. Don't be so messy in the first place!!!!

  4. Guess what! My sisters know it all; such good advice. I am afraid I would need 30 days notice if they were gonna inspect my home....but just come and visit me... my home is MY haven not theirs

  5. Actually, you'd be surprised how little people pay attention to the house. I think the clean up is mostly for us.

  6. I heartily agree. I don't notice a person's cleanliness of the home as much as I notice if there is a lack of hospitality.
