Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Yes, you read it right...I've got ribbons!

Today was the first day of the fair, and Dave is one of the dj's on duty. Since I had prayer meeting tonight, Dave was going to look at the exhibit, and tell me the results when he got home. I thought I was ok with waiting, but I just couldn't. The minute prayer meeting was over, I drove over to the fairground to say 'hi' to Dave. When I got there, he had already seen the displays, and informed me that all my entries had ribbons. Seriously? Of course I had to look for myself. I wanted to see the displays anyway, and it was true! My green socks and my bigger Booga Bag both earned blue ribbons! How exciting! I also got red ribbons for my shawl, afghan, the other Booga Bag, and my Kool Aid dyed yarn. I honestly hadn't expected this, but it feels pretty good. I'll check to see if photography is permitted, and if so, I'll post some pictures. This was so much fun!


  1. o my gosh.... I knew you could do it. Congrats. Now we have a ribbon winner in the family. wow! I am almost as excited as I would be if I had won!!!

  2. I'm so, so, proud but, not at all surprised! You are a good knitter! and if you ever doubt have proof that other folks think you do very good work...

  3. Great job. That is so exciting!! I knew you was good.

  4. I emailed you the pix I took tonight to your suddenlink addy

  5. Thank you so much, Norma. I hope ya'll had a good time.
