Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Devil Made Me Do It?

I don't know if it's the stress of what's going on in my personal life, or me getting crankier with age, but I seem to be having to apologize often lately. I've been feeling some serious self-doubts conserning my ability to properly care for my pets. This used to be the one area where I had complete confidence, but I've found myself questioning almost every decision I make. After last night's prayer meeting, as we were leaving the church, I was discussing this issue with my aunt and sister, Zita. I seem to be just tormented with the idea that three of my cats are unhappy living here. Zita told me that it was the devil lying to me and trying to steal my peace. I don't know why I'm like this, or even when it started, but I inwardly cringe when I hear that statement. Something about it reminds me of how people used to blame Satan for everything. Day to day challanges that happen simply because we live in an imperfect world, were being attributed to the devil "being after ya." As I grew, and I can't put my finger on when this happened, I began to feel it sounded a little too much like superstition, and that people gave the devil credit for having more power than he really does. Later, the secular world started using the phrase, "the devil made me do it" as a way to avoid claiming responsiblility or ownership for anything they did. This is such a cop out, and I don't like cop outs. These are the thoughts that go though my mind anytime I hear blame shifted to the devil, but I've discovered that I'm going to have to rethink that view.
By the time I got home, I was feeling guilty about snapping at Zita. When I explained the situation to Dave, he agreed with her. Wow! The churches he attended during his childhood and teens were not charismatic, and he didn't grow up hearing or using many of the phrases I did, so I was completely surprised he'd take this view. We discussed it in length, and discovered that there has to be some truth to that statement. Something is keeping me down. That is not my imagination, because Dave has also noticed it. Something has been stealing my joy, and keeping me in an almost constant state of turmoil. Let me share what John 8:44 tells us about the devil-

"...He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

That says it pretty plain. He plants the lie, and watches me do the rest. I still believe it is my resposibility not to listen to the lies, but it is the truth that he will lie to me.
So Zita, it appears we both might be right, and I'm sorry for snapping. I know this is a long post, but I felt I had to let you know why. That is no excuse for my rudeness, but maybe knowing the reason behind it will make it not feel so personal. I'm sorry.


  1. I'm sorry you misunderstood me. I was not trying to imply the "Devil made you do it". If you will recall in Sunday school I always taught that the devil could not make you do anything. You always have the choice to say no. He can tempt, discourage, lie to and make you totally miserable though. That is wht he does. As you said he will lie to you. He is the father of lies.
    I love you and I am praying for you.

  2. guess is will be redundant but ....if someone steals your joy and hinders your peace. It is not God doing it; so the fault lies between YOU (MAN) and the devil being the source. So it shouldn't be a secret that the devil knows how to pull your strings. You just have to take the broken wing to Jesus. He will heal and help you EVERY time

  3. We had a visiting minister that gave an explanation that made sense to me..everything glorifies God or the devil..this applies to the simple and complex parts of our life. I believe any kind of negative feeling that is simply trying to destroy has to come from the devil...God is creative, even when it looks like he is destroying something.. there is creative life in it...I do not think God torments us and these feelings are tormenting you...thus Yes, I would say the devil is involved in this negative emotion you are feeling. I will be praying for you...

    I sent it to you but maybe Iforgot to change you address in my contacts. I will check.
