Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


To my dear family, friends, and readers. I'm in serious need of your prayers. I've been living in fear, confusion, and guilt, and it's starting to get the best of me. I don't wan't to go back on my medication, but I may have no choice, because I can't seem to pick myself up from this latest bout of depression. It looks like I may have some extremely difficult decisions ahead of me concerning my cat family, and it's killing me. Dave is going to try to get us an appointment to speak with our vet about the situation. I'm scared of what he's going to recommend. I just want things to be like the used to be, where my cats co-existed in peace, or at least tollerance, with eachother.

On the good side Morty has made tremendous progress. His hair is beginning to regrow, and he's begun to get his confidence back. He still licks, and has thin spots, but he's so much better, and I thank God, from the bottom of my heart. He gave my Morty back to me, and I just can't thank him enough. Please, God, please do the same for Annie, without making me give up Max. I love them both so much. Please...I'm not to proud to beg for this...Please, God...fix my home.


  1. We are both praying for you and your cat family.

  2. I'm praying!! I pray God give you peace and the cats to be at peace with each other.

  3. I've been Kool Aid Dyeing yarn all day. Keeping my hands busy seems to bring a little relief, but it's always in the back of my mind.
