Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, September 17, 2010

Can I Do It?

After posting about cat drama for the last three days, and fearing my readers would get depressed (or just plain bored) and leave, I decided a more upbeat post was in order. The Red River Valley Fair is nearing, and I'm thinking of entering some of my handmade items for the arts and crafts exhibit. I went to the fairgrounds today, to pick up a copy of the rules. In past years, I've enjoyed looking at all the beautiful work by the local folks, and every year, I wish I had entered something. Well, no more putting it off. I have several, recently crafted pojects I'm proud of, and this year, I'm going to do it. I'm hoping to include this pair of socks I started at the beginning of this month. I completed the first one in the wee hours last night, and cast on for the second one. I have until the 27th of this month to enter them. So, if I can ignore all the distractions, and diligently knit, can I complete a second sock in a little over a week's time? I'm going to give it a try...


  1. go for it you can do it

    cast your yarn on the knitting needles and cast your cares on Jesus

  2. Amen on both counts, Norma. You can do it, jennifer. Those are really pretty socks.

  3. Thanks. I'm pretty proud of them...but why am I on the computer when I should be knitting up the other sock?
