Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fall Is Here!

Yes, it's offical. Today I awoke to a crispness in the air that can only mean one thing...Fall! I love the Fall, because it promises a change in the air after a long, brutal Texas Summer. I get to dig out my soft, flannel pj's, my warm fleece shirts, and my handknit socks, but most of all...I get to enjoy my screened porch again. I went out there today and took the covers off the chairs, vaccuumed out the cobwebs and cat hair, and got it all ready to go. All that's left is for our exterminator to spray for ants and bugs. We love this guy, because he's the only one in town who uses pet and kid friendly products. No empying cabinets and pantrys and no messy residue to clean up. Just think...soon, I can sit out on my porch with an afghan, my knitting, and just take it easy. I can hardly wait. I took this picture from my seat on the porch. Don't be suprised if some of my future posts are written from this very seat whenever I have access to Dave's laptop.


  1. Yes, it is great. I have went comfortably, all day long with no air conditioner turned on. I love it. I don't go outside much at home but it is wonderful to be able to take the kids out at work.
    Looking for brighter days for us all..

  2. Amen. I love the beautiful look of fall and of course the cooler weather. Maybe we can gather on your back porch for sista talk. Even just a one day get together would be nice

  3. That would be great! Just a few hours to visit. I miss that. None of us are able to get away a long time but one day? surely we could do that.

  4. I am ready. I used to sit out back at my house all the time. I love your back porch Bitsi. It is my dream to have a sleeping porch some day...

  5. You're all more than welcome to come for a visit on my porch. It would be nice.
