Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Poor Fearful Annie

My Vet has been suggesting that I put my Annie on valium for quite some time. She tends to overgroom. I took her in to see if there was a physical reason for the hair loss, but she's physically healthy. The overgrooming is a nervous disorder that is compared to OCD in humans. Valium is the recommended treatment for this condition, but after a Google search, I discovered some disturbing side-effects, and decided against it. For a time, it looked like things might just right themselves, but in the course of the last three weeks, she's become so fearful she's isolated herself. She hides in the bathroom linen closet, and jumps down only when I close the door. I felt I had no choice but to start the valium treatment. He assured me it was safe, but for my own sanity, I had him run the liver enzyme test, which came back good. She is still physically healthy and strong. Help me pray that she stays that way. I'll never forgive myself if I hurt her.

Another situation that has kept me down lately concerns my youngest cat, Max. We have had him for two years, but for some reason, he and Annie have started reacting badly to eachother. Our Vet thinks it's possible he's reacting to her fear moreso than to her. I hope that's true, because if they still can't get along after she relaxes, we may have to find him a new home. The very thought is killing me inside. I've rehomed strays before, but never one of my very own cats. Please pray I don't have to do this. I can't imagine this house without all six of my cats.

Lord, Jesus, please help us. Please send peace to my home...


  1. We are praying. Lord, please send peace to Jennifer and Dave's home and all that dwell there including the cat family. WE believe you care about what concerns us. Please grant this request in you name...Jesus

  2. Thank you, Norma. That means so much to me. Let us know when your Dr appointment is. We'll pray extra hard that day.

  3. I am going to agree with this prayer..Lord, please send peace to Bitsi...We all claim it.

  4. Amen. I agree, too. Let there be peace, yes even a great peace in your home and family.
    Much love and prayers to you.
