Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, September 27, 2010

Today's The Day

This is the day all Arts & Crafts are to be entered for the Red River Valley Fair. Along with my new socks, I ended up with six entries, including a small shawl, an afghan, my two booga bags, and three hanks of my Kool Aid dyed yarn. It wasn't until I was in the car that I realized I should have taken pictures of these items to share with my readers. I felt so rushed today, that it just slipped my mind, but be assured that pictures will be forthcomimg after the fair, when I go to pick up my things. I can hardly wait to go back this week, and see all the other entries. I always enjoy this portion of the fair, and I'm honored to have some of my work displayed with the others. We have some awesome crafters in the area. Good luck to all of us...


  1. This blog place is messing up..I wrote a comment and it showed up in the wrong spot??? Again, I am excited about your entering your work.

  2. Yes, it took me forever to post today, because blogger kept thowing me offline.

  3. I am SOOOOO proud of you. Hope I get to see them displayed. We plan to go on Thurs if we can
