Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Ivy Cuttings

I have a pot of ivy sitting on a table on my front porch. It had grown so much that several tendrals were dragging the ground. The long, flowing stems so beautiful outside, tend to overpower and look sloppy when indoors. Knowing I'll soon be bringing this, and the other plants in for the cooler seasons, I decided to cut it back. Since I already have so much ivy, I fully indended to just throw the cuttings away. Every other time I've tried to root plant cuttings, the cats haven't allowed it. They shred the leaves, and often tip the jar over until I just give up. Knowing all this, I still can't resist the pull of plant cuttings. I know it's a losing battle, but I picked out some of the healthiest looking stems, and placed them in a jar. Morty pulled one out right away, but hasn't bothered them again. Now, I'm not fooling myself, and thinking he'll cooperate, but they just look so nice on my counter. Even if I can't keep them long enough from the to sprout roots, at least I got to enjoy them a bit longer.


  1. Have you ever tried root activator? It comes in a little packet and is very cheap. You put it on the end of cuttings and go ahead and plant them in soil. I used to use it all the time.

  2. I have some, but the cuttings are still easy to for the cats to pull up before they get rooted.
