Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ah, Relief

Finally! After a month's worth of temperatures in the triple digits, we finally have a break. This week has brought much needed rain, and I can finally sense Fall in the air. I know it's not officially here, but the signs are. More activity around the hummer feeders as the birds get ready to migrate, the increased energy level in my outdoor cats (and indoor cats, too), and the difference I feel in myself all indicate a change in the season. I'm going to miss Summer's longer days, and birdwatching on the back porch, but there are so many good things to look foreward to. Cooler temperatures mean I can dig out my warm clothing and hand knitted socks, my kitchen smelling of vegetable soup and cornbread is always nice, as well as curling up with an afghan and a book. Of course, I don't want to leave out the most important thing about Fall. Football season! Go Cowboys!!


  1. yes the cooler weather is wonderful

  2. I hope the cowboys have a good season.

    I enjoy cooler weather very much and the breezes have been heavenly

  3. I walked out onto the back porch in the wee hours of the morning, and it was so comfortable I just sat for awhile.

  4. I want a sister visit too!!!!!!!!

  5. Thank you Jesus for the cooler weather. I have been praying for it..My husband had a hard summer..I said HAD because I hope fall is here to stay!!

  6. I'm not sure if Fall is officially here, but I believe our extreme heat is over for the year.
