Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


One of my first hoyas has bloomed! I first discovered hoyas when I was a subscriber to I had posted a thread in the hoya lovers forum, explaining the fascination I had begun to feel, and some beginner questions about the difficulty of growing them. I soon discovered that gardeners are some of the most generous people on the planet. I recieved a PM from a fellow DG member offering to give me three plants from her collection. Sadly, one of the three didn't make it, but the other two have thrived. One in particular, hoya pubicalyx, bloomed regularly for me until a few years ago. I had repotted it, and for some reason it had stopped blooming. I began to lose heart, thinking I'd killed it, but I recently discovered that some of these hoya plants are happier when they are pot bound. That must be true of this one, because last week, I discovered a bud. This is the first bud since the repotting. It has now opened, and wow! I'd forgotten how gorgeous these flowers are. They also have a heavenly scent that gets more pronounced as evening approaches. I wish you could smell it through the photo.


  1. This is such a beautiful plant. Need you at my house

  2. Thanks. You're yard always looks very nice. Don't sell yourself short.
