Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Booga Progress

It’s the wee hours of the morning, and I just finished knitting the i-cord staps for my Booga Bag. This project has taken a lot less yarn than I thought it would. The bag portion used one and a little over half of another skein, so I just knitted i-cord until I’d used up the rest of the second skein. The pattern suggests five to six feet of i-cord. I’m not sure exactly how long mine is, but I’m 5’4”, and when I hold it over my head, and stand on my tip-toes, it still drags the ground. Tomorrow (well, I guess technically it is already tomorrow, but I haven't slept yet, so to me it's not) is laundry day, so I’m planning to felt my bag then. The pattern suggests washing it with something heavy like jeans. Since we don't wear jeans often during the summer, I'll have to use something else. Maybe my big, heavy towels? I'll let ya'll know how it goes...


  1. Won't towels leave too much lint or does it matter with felting?

  2. The project is placed in a zippered pillow case for felting.
