Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Another Butterfly

This is so awesome. I get to share yet another butterfly sighting with my readers. Dave was getting ready to go to the store. He had stepped out onto the back porch to slip on his flip-flops, and that's when he saw it. He called to me, asking me to grab the camera, and head out there. This butterfly, even though it has no stripes, looks to me like it might be a member of the same species as the one in my last shot. It has the same gorgeous blue spots at the bottom of its wings.
I have to say, I'm very thankful that I decided to start this blog. I had never really paid much attention to butterflies before. I've always liked watching them, but never took the time to really inspect thier beauty. In my search to find things to share with my readers, I, myself, have learned to stop and appreciate the wonder of simple things. I included the second photo, even though the wings are in mid-flap. It is more true to the actual colors of the blue and orange spots.


  1. tis great to share and appreciate God's beauty of simple things. Slow me down, Lord, and let me see you in everything

  2. It really was gorgeous in person. This picture doesn't do it justice like the other butterfly I photoed.
