Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hummingbird Flower

I just had to share this photo of my hummingbird flowers. These annuals are easy to grow, and look to me like a type of salvia. I had bought some from a local nursury back when I first began gardening, but hadn't been able to find them since. Over the years, I had actually forgotten about them, until this Spring. I was at Lowe's on one of my plant buying sprees, when I saw a table full of them . They were small plants, and very inexpensive, so I grabbed three to fill one of my pots. They have grown into this big beautiful bush, covered with pale pink blooms. I had always thought hummingbirds were attracted to red, but that must be a myth, because they love these flowers. I'll be sad to see the plants die out when thier season has passed, but I'm excited to have them in my garden again, and I plan to enjoy them as long as they last.

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