Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, August 23, 2010

Second Booga Progress

I just felted my second Booga Bag today, and it's drying on the counter as I type this post. I modified the pattern a bit to make it bigger. The changes I made are as follows-
Cast on 56 stitches, and knit for 48 rows. Pick up 24 stitches from each side, 56 stitches from the Co edge=160 stitches. I used some solid green Cascade 220, from my stash, to make the bottom piece, then knit ten rounds before changing to the recently purchased multi-colored yarn. I continued with the multi until I used up all three balls, then ended with five rows of my solid before casting off. I used the remaining solid to knit the i-cord handles. I'm very happy with the width of the bag, but felting shortened the length more than I would have preferred. I probably should have knitted ten rows of the solid before casting off. Anyway, it doesn't matter now, because the bag is already felted. I think I'm still going to like it, I'll just have to remember this for my next bag...And there will be a next bag.


  1. I got it. No problem for a knitter like me.

  2. Smarty pants. I told you this post would be boring to you. :)
