Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I Feel Better

Well, I started a thread in the Remnants forum on Ravelry. I told of the goal I'd set for myself, and the new yarn purchased Sunday. According to my fellow Ravelers, I haven't failed, because technically the yarn was a gift...

"You have not failed. You said no, and your husband got you a gift. Don’t feel bad - kiss him a lot for supporting your desires!"-ps28vs7
(Yes, he has always supported my yarn habit with no complaints)

"Hell no! It’d be rude to refuse a gift…."-Maiasmummy
(Well, I wouldn't want to be rude...)

"I am knitting from stash this year as well. New yarn (for me) is okay as long as it is A) a gift, B) purchased to help finish (or make) a project using at least some of the stash or C) not often, because honestly going cold turkey for a year would be impossible for me..."-peanutknits
(Oh, good. Some guidelines. This will make my goal less painful, and more likely to succeed...)

"A wise knitter once said to me that a yarn diet is one thing, yarn starvation is a whole ‘nother matter."-zoec
(wise words, indeed)

"Hihi, if you failed I did too… I didn’t wanna buy any more fiber before the stash isn’t down by quite a bit. Yaaa, that’s why there’s half a pound of cashmere sitting next to me snugglesnuggle. I swear I only wanted an ounce to try it out as I had never spun cashmere before, it was my hubby’s idea that I needed more than that. I will not fight against gifts of cashmere, really not, I don’t have the willpower to refuse softness."-Asherra
(Ah, husbands are the biggest enablers...)

So I'm going to knit up my new bag free of guilt. Thanks, Ravelry, once again, for your help. :)
If you'd like to learn more about spinning yarn, click here to visit Asherra's website, written in both English and German. Caution: Fiber addiction is sure to occur...

1 comment:

  1. Good point. You couldn't very well refuse a gift. That would be bad manners. I'm glad they pointed that out so you would feel better.
