Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Quick Project

I just had to share this picture of my new dishcloth. I was in the mood for a quick, instant gratification project, and found this pattern in one of my Lily Sugar 'n Cream booklets. It's just a simple variation on a granny square, and and a great way to use up cotton remnants. Yes, it looks a little old fashioned, but I love that. I crocheted it up in an hour, while sitting on the back porch with Morty this morning. I still have lots of cotton yarn, and I'll be making plenty more of these simple cloths.


  1. I love it. That is so pretty. I like the colors, too.

  2. It is so nice and straight. My grannies were never so square. Of cource I haven't made one in years. I might have a more uniform work now. Great job on yours.

  3. Cotton is heavier than acrylic, and forces the edges to lay better. I think that's how I was able to make them work. The pattern is so quick and easy, I made five in the same day...and that was between household chores.
