Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ups And Downs

Sometime's I'm afraid to get encouraged, because it seems I always get slapped back down. Hard. Today, I woke up before Dave came home for lunch. I just layed there in bed, praying for God to help us today. I knew we were going to have to give Annie her pill, a task that had proved impossible in the past. Dr. House gave her yesterday's pill, but since we can't hire him as our official "come to our house and pill Annie" guy, it was up to us. We closed the bathroom door, and put food down. She didn't actually come out of her hidey hole until we brought in the container of wheat grass we grow for them to chew. She loves that stuff. When she got down to chew, I got behind her so she could wiggle out backward, opened her mouth, and popped her pill in. Wow, that was too easy. In fact, it was so easy, I keep going back and looking for it (the pill) on the floor. (Oh me of little faith)

Feeling encouraged, even a little upbeat, I sat down to my computer. Max sat in my lap a while before going behind the moniter to nap. They love to nap behind my moniter. I was going to include a picture of Annie in her hidey hole with this post, but when I took my camera in there, I found she'd ventured out, and was sitting by the bathroom door. I was so happy, and even happier still, when she decided to wander through the house a little. That happiness deflated when Max peeked out from behind the computer moniter. They had a little face off, which resulted in her running back to her closet, and him fuzzing up. There was no fight or anything like that, but it was just enough to make me worry about his future. Yesterday, Dr House had told me it would take some time, but it's still very disturbing to me. I just don't know what to do.


  1. Please, take time. The cats are all healthy and happy so that gives us more time. Max didn't give chase so that's a good thing. Remember, small changes add up to big improvements.

  2. He did follow her down the hall. Sort of a chase, but not as intense as before, so I guess your right. I love you, Dave, for putting up with this..

  3. Bitsi, almost NOTHING happens instantly. Give thanks for everything positive..dwell on them.

  4. I always used a "pill pusher" with my cats. They're available in pet stores.

  5. Hello, Mary, and welcome. You're absolutely right about the piller. I have one, and it's a life saver.

  6. Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait I say, on the Lord. Ps. 27:14 This verse popped into my mind when I read your blog.
    Still praying!!

  7. Bro Clarence used to say..the harder the battle, the sweeter the victory.

    We learn to walk taking one step at a time and in among those steps are falls, but in the end we WALK

  8. You're right Jennifer. Glenda is the one that said that about most things not happening instantley. And Mary told you about the piller, but anyway this is the post with the verse.
