Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, October 1, 2010

Dave, The Mediator

My husband was asked, and accepted, the job of mediating a local political debate between the candidates. He came home so excited, telling me of all the compliments and "thank you's" he recieved for volunteering his time. For him this was an exhilerating experience. I'm serious, he loves being involved in these things, and does an excellant job. I, on the other hand, would do a terrible job. I would be rolling my eyes and saying "Oh, come on! Really?" every time I caught one of them in a lie. And with politicans, I'm sure there were plenty of lies...Oop! I guess I shouldn't have said that. I hope none of them read this...Yeah, right. I'm sure they stay absolutely glued to my little blog. lol

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of Dave and I know that you are too. He does such an excellant job. Way to go Dave....and to all you untruthful politicians (SOME must be truthful) reading my sisters blog. she didn't mean to
