Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Roses Just Like Mama's

I feel so blessed to live in Texas. We have such a long growing season, which means I can enjoy my roses just a little longer. When I was younger, my mother's favorite rosebush grew orange roses. Since orange never was my favorite color, I'm sorry to say I didn't fully appreciated how beautiful they were. As I've grown, and hopefully matured, I've learned to love all colors, including orange. Last year (or was it the year before?), Dave and I were shopping at Atwoods. I, of course, was browsing through the gardening section, when I found this beautiful orange rosebush. It reminded me so much of my mother, I just had to have it. It didn't really bloom this year, and I was beginning to think I'd lost it, but I'm happy to say that it still lives, and has produced these beautiful, citrus scented blooms.


  1. I, too, remember the orange rose. I miss the ones from here. They no longer grow here. Dad had them looking so good and Mom did love them. Dad loved to grow roses for Mother.
    Thanks for the memories.

  2. I always think of Mom when I see roses. Also, that Dad would make sure she had some growing wherever we lived. My rosebush at the side,Dad bought as a housewarming gift when I moved into this house 39 years ago..Perry says it looks like it is makes me sad.

  3. I have lots of roses but my big orange rose from dad's cutting died last year ;( . I still have lots of red and pink ones and a rich rose smell in my front yard. Love you all
