Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

By Popular Request

Here are some photos of the yarn I bought last weekend. My sisters have mentioned wanting to see my new yarn, but when they visit me, I seem to keep forgetting to show it. First of all, I must apologize for the tantrum I was having when I wrote of our plans. I was still pouting at the time, so please forgive me for my smarty tone. The truth is, I had been saving my money since we planned this trip, and had $135 dollars to spend on yarn. When we got there, Dave gave me an extra $40, so I was in yarn shopper's heaven...
There is a shawl pattern from the second Mason-Dixon Knitting book, that I've had my eye on for months. It calls for Kidsilk Haze, a kid mohair and silk yarn put out by Rowan. I had planned to buy enough of this yarn to make a shawl, then enough Noro Silk Garden to make another Noro Striped Scarf. When I got there, I discovered that Woolie Ewe no longer sells Rowan yarns, but Sue helped me pick out a substitute yarn called Kid Seta, which is simply Cascade's version of the same blend. I couldn't decide if I wanted to use the green and burgandy color combo, or the chocolate brown and blue, so I got them both. Then I went over to the Noro section, and picked out enough Silk garden to make my striped scarf. Again, I was having a hard time picking from two color combos, but I managed to chose one, and headed for the check out counter. After, I made my purchases, I was told that I'd earned enough points to get $25 off my next purchase within 30 days. Since I live 100 miles away, and knew I couldn't get back within 30 days, they let me make that next purchase right then. So I got enough yarn for that second scarf after all. I know it was an extravagance, but when you consider the amount of high end yarn I was able to purchase, I really didn't do so bad.


  1. Pretty ... it will be beautiful worked up. Perry & I enjoyed our visit with you guys.

  2. Pretty combos. Glad you could fid what you wanted and the extra coupon was an added bonus!

  3. glad you enjoyed your day. Your work is beautiful so I know whatever you make will be truly amazing. Love you
